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BOEING 767-200 (N658GT) - Being loaded up shortly before her departure to Cincinnati
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BOEING 767-200 (N658GT)


Being loaded up shortly before her departure to Cincinnati


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jessica james
Great shot. Don't see too many ramp type shots. Thnks.
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Thanks Jessica!
Andre Blanchard
If only I could get close enough to do a shot like this. Were you apron side or on the other side of the fence?
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Through the fence Andre! Long lens...
Andre Blanchard
Very nice. Right now the long lens I have is 80 to 300 mm.
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
That would be plenty here Andre, mine only goes to 200mm!
I would like to know if you have any problems with me, since I see that all the photos that I upload are stolen according to your comments. If you both bothered what I do please just do not enter my photos. I would thank you from the heart.
Little late, but lovely shot of the DHL 76! Love watching them roll in and out of CVG!
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