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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N315FE) - Out early to catch some nice light at sunrise. Here a FEDEX DC10 lines up for runway 23 at YYZ
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McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (N315FE)


Out early to catch some nice light at sunrise. Here a FEDEX DC10 lines up for runway 23 at YYZ


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Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Out early to catch some nice light during sunrise. Here a FEDEX DC10 lines up for runway 23 at YYZ
Tony Erni
I am not sure why anybody can give this photo a 2 stars rating.

It is definitely a 5 stars photo all day long.

Great photo Mark.
C.W. Reed
For sure 5 star+ + + + +! Great detail shown! Thanks for posting Mark! Cheers!
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Thanks guys!
Don Ridgeway
Yep, great shot
Greg Byington
That's a great shot, Mark!
Tom Webb
To be technically correct, all FedEx Dc-10's were converted to MD-10's with glass cockpits and 2 pilot configuration. This is a MD-10-30. Yes, I know...too much information.
Great pic.
Donald Randolph
Agree with you Tony 100% Absolutely beautiful, no matter what time of day.
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