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PITTS Special (S-1) (N5111B) - Mike Wiskus in his Pitts Special cuts the tape at the New York Airshow, Newburgh, NY
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PITTS Special (S-1) (N5111B)


Mike Wiskus in his Pitts Special cuts the tape at the New York Airshow, Newburgh, NY


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Paul Wisgerhof
As is the case with "Mythbusters," Don't try this at home!
a mentor
I've seen a ribbon cutting by the vertical stab making an inverted pass. WOW!
jesse kyzer
N5111B - built in 1998 Pitts Special S-1-11B/260 Super Stinker
Good looking A/C, nice pic
I watched Betty Skelton perform in her PITTS "Li'l Stinker" long long ago, in a galaxy far far away
Dave Sheehy
Excellent Mark! 5*
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