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Boeing 737-200 (C-GOPW) - Arriving from Calgary as MPE9200
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 737-200 (C-GOPW)


Arriving from Calgary as MPE9200


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Brian Wilkes
yes I do like that!
Lewis Tripp
I do to Brian and it shows our age. lol
mike prendergast
Nice shot Mark!
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Thanks Mike!
whats on the front wheel ?
Dave Sheehy
Nice catch and shot, Mark! What is the finished size of your pictures for posting?
Frederik, that is a gravel deflector, part of the 737 Tundra Kit for operating out of unpaved airports.
Cargo door and deflectors on engine intakes too.
Leon Kay
Wow. This brings back some memories. It was the first Jet Aircraft I flew on while still at school in the late 1960's. It was on South African Airways.
frank theriault
With the pebble protector on the nose wheel. :-) The company I work with does AOG for Canadian North, so we're doing our small part keeping her in the air. :-)
Mark ThomasPhoto Uploader
Hi Dave! I think they're 1600 pixels on the long side...
Al Stiff
I love the Tinmouse. Great shot Mark.
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Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
12-03-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau () 12:36PM EDT 02:53PM EDT 2:17
12-03-2025 B732Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau ()Puvirnituq () 09:23AM EDT 11:42AM EDT 2:18
11-03-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau () 12:11PM EDT 02:44PM EDT 2:33
11-03-2025 B732Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau ()Puvirnituq () 09:17AM EDT 11:32AM EDT 2:14
08-03-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau () 12:38PM EST 02:58PM EST 2:20
08-03-2025 B732Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau ()Puvirnituq () 09:33AM EST 11:46AM EST (?) 2:12
07-03-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau () 12:48PM EST 03:16PM EST 2:28
07-03-2025 B732Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau ()Puvirnituq () 10:01AM EST 12:14PM EST 2:12
01-03-2025 B732Kuujjuarapik ()Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau () 05:09PM EST 06:48PM EST 1:39
01-03-2025 B732La Grande Rivière ()Kuujjuarapik () 03:42PM EST 04:04PM EST 0:22
28-02-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()La Grande Rivière () 06:12PM EST 07:15PM EST 1:03
28-02-2025 B732La Grande Rivière ()Puvirnituq () 04:23PM EST 05:29PM EST (?) 1:06
28-02-2025 B732Puvirnituq ()La Grande Rivière () 12:00PM EST 01:00PM EST 1:00
28-02-2025 B732Int'l Pierre Elliott Trudeau ()Puvirnituq () 09:05AM EST 11:35AM EST 2:29
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