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— — - From 109th Airlift Wing, only unit in the world to fly the LC-130H in support of Antarctic operations. Note it is fitted with skis.
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— —


From 109th Airlift Wing, only unit in the world to fly the LC-130H in support of Antarctic operations. Note it is fitted with skis.


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B M DyleskiPhoto Uploader
This is NOT a LC 13, FlightAware is not aware of this type aircraft as there is only one unit in the world that flies it. Go to 190th Airlift Wing web site for correct information.
a mentor
Found the air refueling wing -- where's air lift wing?

says aircraft is:

RB-57A/B Canberra, 1958-1972
B-57G Canberra, 1972-1973
RB-57B/E Canberra, 1973-1978

KC-135A Stratotanker, 1978-1984
KC-135E Stratotanker, 1984-2006
KC-135R Stratotanker, 2006–present

can you clarify
Greg Byington
That's 109th Airlift Wing (as indicated above), not the 190th. And it looks like this bird is (per Joe Baugher):

83-0491, Lockheed LC-130H-LM Hercules, For Air National Guard, (MSN 382-5010). Nose hit hole during ski takeoff at Ford Range, Antarctica Dec 4, 2003. Extensive damage to nose undercarriage. Seen on static display in 2009 and looked OK. Named "City of Albany" with 139th Airlift Squadron 109th Airlift Wing New York ANG.

Also, the ICAO aircraft code for almost all variants of the Lockheed C-130 is just: C130. As far as I can tell "LC13" is not a valid ICAO code, so FA won't recognize it.
B M DyleskiPhoto Uploader
I've seen this aircraft in the last year or so. When I entered LC-130H in "Aircraft Type" FA bounced it to LC-13
Sorry for the mis type on 190 instead of 109.


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