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The U.S. Navy’s new $13 billion aircraft carrier will dominate the seas

It’s scheduled to be launched this month, and can support laser guns and dynamic armo ( Más...

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iflyfsx 1
...But we have no money for homeless war vets, or health care for 9/11 first responders, or...
chalet 1
Tell me frankly: can this wonderful carrier defend itself whIt the assistance of surrounding vessels from a massive salvo attack of say 50 Russian missiles of all kinds including Kalibr and Sizzler cruise missiles not to mention ICBMs. I really doubt it.
Bernie20910 2
Combined with the F-35 why, we'll be invincible! Nevermind the naysayers, this'll work perfect. And it will be done early and under budget too!

(brought to you by the same guy who writes all the news articles about Kim Jong-un)
btweston 1
Is that... A carrier with frickin' laser beams on its head?
SootBox 1
I'll take one! Wrap it up.
oowmmr 1
That's a super ship!!


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