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Ho, ho, ho, let’s go

As you and your family prowl the malls and shopping centers of America, I encourage you to take note of the almost complete absence of aviation offerings in the stores you frequent. Nary a flight bag or an E6B can be found. Scarves and iPads, sure, they’re around every corner. But those aren’t exclusively aviation-oriented products. In fact, far more non-pilots than pilots make use of them. ( Más...

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preacher1 1
A crown jewel in Northeast AR is KARG at Walnut Ridge. Of all the times passing through or flying over, I never rally knew anything that nice was out there, until it was pointed out to me by a friend. Signs just point to AIRPORT off the highway, just another waypoint on the chart and nothing else about the 3 runways, people friendly, and a world class restaurant in a 737 fuselage. Plenty of GA activity as well as a salvager tearing down old big iron. Take some time around the country and stop/smell the roses.
I will definitely go there. Didn't know about it.
preacher1 1
Well, holler at me when you do and if I'm able, I might try and meet you over there. It's about 150 miles from me by the road but that ain't no big deal.
canuck44 2
There is neat stuff to buy at the "Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum" with the profits reinvested to restoring their aircraft. I encourage those on the blog to look at their website: The gift shop has models, clothing, bags and stuff for kids. The gift staff are most helpful and prompt.


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