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The Next “World's Biggest Plane” Could Be 12 Times Larger Than the Boeing 747

Radia, a Colorado-based energy startup, has been developing the world's largest aircraft in aviation history. The aircraft, dubbed The WindRunner, will be 12 times larger than the Boeing 747. It will also be larger than the Antonov An-225 destroyed during the Russia-Ukraine war. ( Más...

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Chris Muncy 1
Alternate good link:
Greg S 4
It's only implied in the article, but this only works if the aircraft can land and take off very close to the location of the onshore wind farm. If it just lands at a nearby airport then the problem of transporting 90-meter turbine blades on local roads returns. So the design of an onshore wind farm will involve *as a first step* building a 6000-ft dirt or gravel runway to ferry all the turbine blades to the site and probably some spares. After that turbine construction can begin. It's intriguing to see people solve these problems, but every time I see one of these proposals I always think "or, you know, we could just go with something we know, nuclear power".
Peter Fuller 1
A blimp or dirigible with enough lift capacity could deliver these wind turbine blades right to the wind farm, no need for a runway.
Billy Koskie 2
Given the cost challenges for wind, I can't imagine how they'll justify air freight of blades.
ToddBaldwin3 3
Guys, please get an editor. Your writing is about a C level. Caption your photos with artists rendition, since this plane has not been built.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

btweston 3
You literally wrote that you won’t believe information that is presented to you. Do you wonder why people downvote your comments?

Hint: You are an idiot.
godutch -1
"The pot calling the kettle black!" ...and how many times have YOU been downvoted Mr. Liberal-Talking-Points Himself? You actually criticized someone else for having been downvoted?!? REALLY?!? LOLOL
jetjocknj 3
The guy is all politics, not facts.
Bill Overdue 0
Do you think for one minute "green energy" is not 100% political? If you think it's not, talk to BT who believes everything he reads and hears! Allow the common sense in your head to think it thru, if you have any to begin with?
Cleffer 2
Your point was made without the personal attack.
Bill Overdue -2
Personal attacks? Surely you're not suggesting Ukraine can defeat Russia? That's insane, and very low IQ! What isn't true in my analysis? I'll wait..
Cleffer 2
I wasn't talk to or about you. I was commenting to the reply by btweston when he resorted to calling the poster an idiot, which was completely unnecessary. Please slow down when replying.


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