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Desperately seeking same sex couple 30,000 feet up

Same sex marriage becomes legal in New Zealand on Monday, August 19, and Air New Zealand is on the hunt for a special Kiwi couple to prove that love is truly in the air. ( Más...

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isardriver 1
right on - amen
preacher1 2
Seems to me that back in the day we had other names instead of GAY's for these folks, and did not accept that lifestyle, but, that is just me, and I really don't give a flip about being PC anymore. God says hate the sin but love the sinner, and that homosexuality is an abomination in his eyes.My sermon for today.
Toby Sharp 2
Preach it Preach! Don't sound like you are from the Westboro Baptist Church or anything, you are just tellin the truth. Amen.


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