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linbb -5
Hope it works am quite tired of unions causing traveling public problems. If they don't like what they are being paid then leave find another job. Time for the public to dig in there heals also on these union actions.
I used to think this as well. I remember the BA strike in 2010 and thought the way they battled the union was genius. Since then I look at the situation far more from a workers poit of view. Ultimately it would benefit everyone for the two sides to have good relations - most of all passengers. I hope a long term solution can be found.
btweston 2
If you think you owe your boss that's your problem. The rest of us like to be compensated properly for the work that allows the bosses to by their yachts.
Ian Forbes 1
And you can't spell.
Roch Comeau 6
So factory workers who exercise their rights to collective bargaining is ok, but an airline, because excising their rights to strike inconveniences passengers is wrong? Airlines are to an essential service and employees have rights, even if they inconvenience you.


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