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D-CIDO — - Scalaria 2013 Wolfgangsee, Austria
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real



Scalaria 2013 Wolfgangsee, Austria


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john cook
I want one!
CB Hitchens
Check out registration RPC2403
Murray Wilson
Another classically strange Dornier design. Beautiful!
Looks like it's similar to the effort that created the BT-67 from the DC-3. Good DC-3 and C-47 airframes were found, reinforced and new systems installed to accommodate. Basler Turbo Conversions did the work that I know about. Here's the link: http://www.baslerturbo.com/
It doesn't mean that they are the only manufacturer doing this, though.
what a beautifull aircraft. When you see it you will inmedeatly recognise that it flights.
Richard Myers
Art in flight, beautiful aircraft.
Uwe Klages
Very nice pic
Hector Landaeta
Such an interesting history this bird has. Designed and first built in 1936 for the Dutch to service their Indonesian possessions, it saw extensive service on BOTH sides of WWII and notably later, on the Spanish SAR service, where it saw no less than 25 years of use. This particular girl, D-CIDO isn't just a turbo conversion of the old one, they changed the whole parasol wing to one of the same design as the Do 224 transport.
Jesse Adams
What a beauty, awesome shot!!
Bror Monberg
Appreciate the update Hector. Quite some history!
ian mcdonell
5 stars is not enough
Jim Costello
A ship, an air ship a heavier than air machine. In the words of Hamlet 'What a piece of work is a man..et cetera...
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