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Airbus A320 — - Just want this pic in my folder because it shows the variety of Alaska Airlines liveries still being seen in the skies. The Virgin America paint is gradually disappearing and will soon be gone from the skies as Alaska repaints them. In fact, the A320 on the right (N835VA, formerly Virgin America) had just been repainted into the new ASA livery seen in this pic only two months before this pic was clicked.
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Airbus A320 —


Just want this pic in my folder because it shows the variety of Alaska Airlines liveries still being seen in the skies. The Virgin America paint is gradually disappearing and will soon be gone from the skies as Alaska repaints them. In fact, the A320 on the right (N835VA, formerly Virgin America) had just been repainted into the new ASA livery seen in this pic only two months before this pic was clicked.


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Gary SchenauerPhoto Uploader
IMO, of the three liveries seen here, I like ASA's new clothes the best. However, I do hope that Alaska leaves one of its fleetbirds in Virgin America garb as a heritage scheme aircraft. It wouldn't cost them anything to do it; all they have to do is not repaint one of the VA scheme planes.
Tom Vance
That is a really good idea,,,,but will they? Where did you take this photo from?


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