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Beechcraft Baron (58) (N450JR) - N450JR departing TNCM on 06 January 2013
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Beechcraft Baron (58) (N450JR)


N450JR departing TNCM on 06 January 2013


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Jack Warner
WRONG! how stuff like this be corrected?
There are probably a few thousand that are mislabeled that way simply because the software was left to choose and it chose the older aircraft that had the same N number. Members who post photos have to be more vigilant of the data they enter otherwise the software may put in a Beechcraft Baron when it is obvious that there is a Gulfstream. There was a time when I could not make a correction like that on a photo so I contacted FR to simply take it down. The member who posted that photo 5 years ago may be able to go back and change the BE58 to a GLF4 if the software allows it now.


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