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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real





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Gary Schenauer
I like this angle of the Connie. Super snap. I'd give it the full "5" but I never vote on a pic that doesn't have the basic data info boxes filled in. The reg number and model of this one can be found in a hundred places on the web (including right here in the FA gallery). Please fill in the basic data, Glenn; I'd love to vote on this great shot. (Wave)
Glenn MottleyPhoto Uploader
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. The form won't let me enter "Aircraft Type". I've tried " 1049G, 1049C, SUPER G, CONSTELLATION, LOCKHEED, BEAUTIFUL, AND TEMPTING". This Connie is on static display aat Seattle's Museum of Flight. Trans Canada Airlines took delivery in 1954 as a 1049C and "eventually upgraded it to 1049G status and flew it until 1963." It flew cargo for a while, then was a cocktail lounge and deli in Toronto. Taken apart and trucked to Seattle in 2009. The numbers are: REG "CF-TGE", TCA SIDE NO 405 AND SERIAL NO. 4544.
Greg Byington

That is the only thing I've found that works for a Connie.
Gary Schenauer
Hi, Glenn. :-)
I understand the difficulty you had entering the "Aircraft Type." Two things I've learned about it: 1) The max amount of figures that can be entered as a number / letter combo is four. Thus, "1049G" contains five so it cannot be entered. If you try to enter "L1049," it will not work. So in the case of this Connie, the best thing to enter is "1049." Also, 2) when initially uploading a pic, it is possible to enter a type (like "1049"), HOWEVER, once you have completed the initial upload process, do NOT attempt to enter any more info into any of those four data boxes along the bottom. If, after completing your initial upload, you go back later and attempt to enter info into any other box (such as "TCA" for airline), the Aircraft Type box may default back to INCORRECT AIRCRAFT TYPE as soon as SAVE is clicked ... and you won't be able to change it back. So in the case of THIS photo, you won't be able to enter "1049" now ... it is too late because the pic is already uploaded. But, if you upload any more of this one, you WILL be able to enter "1049" ... only during the INITIAL process ... and it will accept that identifier.
It's a pain, I agree, but that's the way it works. So I've learned to put in the data at the time of initial uploading and then not mess around with any of those four info boxes again. (Except I screwed up yesterday. I uploaded a shot of an F5N Tiger, and I entered F5N in the AIRCRAFT TYPE box. It accepted, but a few minutes later I inadvertently clicked on those boxes again, and the default message came up saying the "F5N" designation was INCORRECT. So I entered "F5" which it DOES recognize and I left it like that.
Hope this info helps explain why you had difficulty.
BTW, I gave this the "5" it deserves. Excellent view and snap.
Great photo of a beautiful aircraft. On another note, what is the aircraft on the right side of the p? Looks like maybe a B-47? Only AC I can think of with a single jet out near the end of the wing.
Greg Byington
Regarding tags for aircraft type, I've found that the trick is to find the specific tag that the system will take/recognize for the type aircraft you want. I do that by going to (from the menu bar at the top of FA)Photos, then to Popular Photos. On the PP page go down to the Search are and look for Aircraft. Open the drop down window and scroll down through that list looking for your aircraft. Click on the one you want and look at the tags for that photo. It will show the tag that was used for that particular aircraft. But, keep in mind that not all aircraft are in the list, and sometimes you might need to use a tag that isn't exactly correct. Such is the case for the Constellation. As far as I can tell there is only one tag for a Constellation, and that is CONI. However, when you use it it will show up as:
Lockheed EC-121 Constellation (quad-piston) (CONI) Aircraft
So, I don't know why it shows up as an EC-121 because I don't think any of the pictures in the gallery are actual electronic C-121 (they are quite distinctive) they are at least all Constellations. And you can add or change an aircraft type tag after you've uploaded the picture. Just open the picture, go to the tags fields at the bottom, add/replace the type with the new tag, "CONI" in this case, and click save. I've changed tags on my photos more than once because I either made a mistake initially or didn't have the correct tag when I uploaded it. I hope none of that contradicts what Gary said because I think he's been at this longer than I have. And that might not even be the best way to do it, but it's just how I've been doing it. So, good luck, and keep up the good work.
Gary Schenauer
Skyhawkrg ... Yes, it is. It's the same one you commented about in the photo that Andrew Peters posted about 4 weeks ago. I've got a full-on shot of it I took before the Connie was positioned next to it that I'll post up soon.
Greg .. You are correct about being able to change the designation, but ... ONLY if the designation (ie: tag) is actually in the pulldown list ... THEN the correction can be made ... but ONLY to the tag available. Notice in one of Glenn's newest posts, he entered "1049." That is the correct model ... and it will stay that way UNLESS he tries to enter any new info into any one of those four tag slots. If he, at any time in the future, tries to enter new info into any of those slots, the designation "1049" will disappear and the slot will default to blank. After that, he must either leave it empty or he must select "CONI" which incorrectly IDs the TCA L1049 as an EC-121. So if he wants the correct model to be shown as is already being done, he has to enter it on initial upload and then leave those slots alone after that ... unless he wants to select from the list ... which does not contain the "1049" option. The same thing happened to me. I entered "F5N" under my earlier shot of the Fallon Tiger and it stayed as I put it, but a day or so later, when I again entered "F5N" for the same aircraft in the pic I posted of it passing the SWA 737,, it stayed ... until I accidentally click on one of those bottom slots again. The instant I did, the "F5N" identifier defaulted to INCORRECT AIRCRAFT DESIGNATION because the identifier "F5N" is not in the pulldown list, so I then had to either leave it blank or select from the list ... which I did. I selected "F5." The same thing happens if you enter an airport ID code that is not in the pulldown list. Smaller airports don't always have a four-letter identifier (ie: KRNO). You can enter any numerical-based ID code (as I did under my photo of the KC-135 tankers at Loring AFB where I entered ME16 for Loring's identifier code) and it will accept it ... UNTIL you try to enter any other info later ... because then the numerical code you first enter defaults out as INCORRECT AIRPORT CODE. (MY "ME16" will default to blank if I attempt to enter any new data into any of those four slots.) It is probably because it is impossible to list every code in the pulldowns.
This info is good for everyone to know because I have seen where other posters are sometimes frustrated by an incorrect aircraft model under their pic. They can enter any series of letters & numbers, up to four total, only when initially uploading.
Greg Byington
Thanks, Gary. That makes sense and explains some problems I've run into. I knew you would know more about this than I do. And hopefully, Glenn, we've completely cleared it all up for you. Take care everyone, and good spotting!
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