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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N900RW) - Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 44-85718 - N900RW Thunderbird Lone Star Flight Museum, at Barksdale AFB Defenders of Liberty Airshow
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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N900RW)


Boeing B-17G "Flying Fortress" 44-85718 - N900RW "Thunderbird" Lone Star Flight Museum, at Barksdale AFB Defenders of Liberty Airshow


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Peter Goldfinch
Oops! Found this featured a few minutes ago in "Highest Rated" within "Popular Photos". Looks like a B17 rather than a Staggerwing!
Justly and simply B E A U F I F U L
wow very nice plane
Christopher EbdonPhoto Uploader
Not sure why it thinks this is a "Photo of Beechcraft Staggerwing (N900RW)" because I have double checked the reg with the FAA database and N900RW is LSFM's B-17G
Dave Leib
Funny looking Beechcraft Staggerwing.
rick Vanrossum
Nicely Synched engines...
sam kuminecz
chris...you put in BE17, Beech model 17 is the Staggerwing.....you should put in just B17
which is the ICAO code for the flying fortress
Chuck Chamberlin
Love it. As a young boy during ww2 the "Flying Fortress" looked big and powerful. A favorite to spot.
Richard Yates
Someone says these are nicely synched engines. Sorry, but this is not the way you want them synched. The vibration would drive us C-130 engineers batty. All the prop blades lined up slapping the leading edges of wings and tail with their prop wash will make for the highest amplitude lowest frequency vibration. Stagger them out and you get lower amplitude higher frequency which is less fatiguing to crew and airframe.
C.W. Reed
Great info, Christoper! I know the 130 has "Synchro-phasers" if i'm using the correct term. I wonder how it is done on the B-17?
jesse kyzer
SUPER THANK YOU! to everyone who help keep these Ol birds flying. Nice resto
nice pic
Stephen Jensen
Spectacular shot and gorgeous aircraft :-)
Robert Cowling
The original Antifa practically lived in these, flying against the fascism of Nazi Germany, and Japan. Without the United States, being basically dragged into the war, the results very well could have been different. So being against fascism is not a bad thing.

Every time I see one of the many planes or ships that were used in WWII, I am humbled and in awe of the men and boys that flew them, and lived in them. Standing up to genocide, raw aggression, fascism, was so important. Recognizing and stopping the extermination of so many in Germany, and Japan, led children, young men not yet 18, to lie about their ages, and fling their lives into the fight. Paying taxes, and buying War Bonds were accepted ways to support the government. The country sure has changed. It's damned sad...

Awesome picture. I still remain in awe of the men that would spend hours, nearly whole days, flying in those planes, unsure if they would ever return. All to fight for humanity, decency, the greater good.
Paul Lehmann
Congratulations , great shoot
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