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/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

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ian mcdonell
There is probably nothing else to compare the feeling of flying with a flock of birds! <3
A bird strike with this thing could be an issue. Just sayin'.
Rod Butler
I didn't know this was a thing until I saw the movie, but it is very cool. I am surprised that a gander would fly with such a loud machine but I guess it's a thing. Great photo.
Ken Fedder
I Love it, 100%.
David Hopkins
Mr. Tommy, I think the birds can out-fly him.
Donna Yost
Great formation!
William Owens
Maybe they could talk him into bringing the birds and show up at a fly in or an airshow ! !
John moffitt
I sure hope they don't think 15ADE is their mom !
Beautiful photo.
Al Bell
This beautiful image tells the incredible story of flight without need of a single word.
terry kelsey
Has been one of my very favorite photos. Would that be a thrill or what??
Paul Barrett
This is a year old post! That said I believe that they also do this (migratory imprinting) with Sand Hill Cranes.
Steven H Wilcox
Since the 15ADE the ganders are both loud, maybe it’s a match made in Heaven! Great shot!!
a mentor
btw: The movie is "Fly Away Home". Tells the story of geese bonding with a child and the famliy's effort to TEACH them to migrate. Worthy of your time.
Awesome pic! I once flew along side of a flock of racing pigeons heading for their roost. Even wing to wing they didn't seam to mind the plane at all.
Diana Rose
Oops! Fan blades not turning, mountain top dead ahead and Flying with a flock'o'geese! The future doesn't look good.


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