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16-8019 —
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16-8019 —



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Gavin Hughes
No matter what you think of them, they are an awesome looking beast and you've given us two great pics of this one Patrick.
Robin Rebhan
Nice pic!
Funny, if you showed this pic to the Wright Brothers they would have said it'll never fly!
ken kemper
Another exciting pic Patrick........
I am completely ignorant of aviation (but LOVE these weekly pics) so forgive the stupid question: Is the shutter speed so high that the props merely look stationary, or is it solely under jet propulsion at this point? Either option makes me incredulous!!!
Jack Metcalf
MikeMorris, Welcome to the group and don't be afraid to ask any questions! As far as the Osprey, it's the camera as the props are definitely spinning. Exhaust doesn't hurt but the props are by far it's main propulsion. Here is a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_Boeing_V-22_Osprey
Mark Huntsinger
mikemorris, take a look at the tips of the rotor blades. In the full size version you can see just a hint of blur from the movement.
Thank you gentlemen! I thought that must be true, but was -obviously- surprised by how "frozen" the props appeared!

I'm always blown away by these pictures and really enjoy them - thanks for keeping this forum going!
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