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Sully Named To ICAO
The Senate last week confirmed Capt. Chesley (Sully) Sullenberger as its ambassador to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). Sullenberger was the pilot monitoring when US Airways Flight 1549 hit a flock of geese shortly after takeoff from La Guardia Airport in January of 2009, killing both engines on the A320. He took control from FO Jeff Skiles and deadsticked the airliner to a fatality-free ditching on the Hudson River. The instant fame of the “Miracle on the Hudson” pilots… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Belarus has never been made to pay for the hijacking of the Ukrainian airliner, and of course the fate of the poor dissident snatched off the flight has faded into awkward silence.
Sullenberger is a perfect choice for several reasons including that he demonstrated his independence by writing a principled, well-reasoned, and very strongly-worded critique of the Boeing MCAS design and it's contribution to the fatal MAX crashes.
Congratulations to a brilliant pilot. Can’t find enough good words for Captain Sullenberger. A remarkable man in every aspect. Wish there were more like Sully.
The article, short as it is, emphasizes politics and not the advancement of airline safety to which Capt. Sullenberger could contribute his expertise. I suspect he will be stifled by an ineffective international bureaucracy with mostly politics on its agenda.