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Boeing’s 787 Choice Could Gut Washington State’s Aircraft Industry
Hit hard by the collapse of the airplane market, Boeing will decide as early as next month whether to consolidate its two 787 Dreamliner assembly lines in Washington and South Carolina at a single site. If it does, the 30,000-employee widebody jet plant in Everett is expected to be the loser ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Being a life long resident of Charleston and doing frequent business in Washington, a consolidation to the east coast makes perfect sense. Personally I opposed Boeing coming to Charleston. More people, traffic, strains on infrastructure. As a business owner I saw it as a smart move. Government bent over backwards, right to work state, a lifestyle well suited to a new generation. Nostalgia does not make a company more competitive.
looking at this story things one dream lifters are old planes plus they only could fly the 787-8, 787-9 fuselage size to Everett, plus Seattle want's to tax supervisors and engineers income. wouldn't be surprised if they end up moving 737 out too.
Not to mention the Charleston product has been rife with issue & defects as of late.
Unfortunate, but further to previous comments the negative politically charged business climate at City and State levels of government in Washington State is, and will continue to further financial and social incentives for any large employer to move on. In this case it's Boeing. And, the indicators clearly point to the possibility that Amazon is preparing for the same departure. South Carolina has created one of the most attractive business and lifestyle environments in the US.
I've read the article . A few things strike me as givens . Boeing has Too many employees for the manufacture of very few aircraft . So lay-offs or terminations are obvious . When no Airline wants your product , what else can you do . As for moving what little production you still have to South Charleston , also makes sense . From the arial photo , it appears to be a Modern ,and expandable site . So if Boeing is going to invest for future production , then South Charleston makes sense . I recall when G.M. wanted to build a new Cadillac model , they left Flint , Michigan for the new and modern facility that was built . The devistation to Flint was brutal . But the question is if you have to plan and build for the future , then put your money in the newest plant . I doubt anyone will agree with me . But it's a sad truth ...........DGR
Dangerous downtown Seattle and a mayor without a clue would be enough for me to vote move.