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NY Billing Dispute Reveals Details of Secret CIA Rendition Flights
On Aug. 12, 2003, a Gulfstream IV aircraft carrying six passengers took off from Dulles International Airport and flew to Bangkok with fueling stops in Cold Bay, Alaska, and Osaka, Japan. The Gulfstream IV’s itinerary, as well as the $339,228.05 price tag for the journey, are among the details about shadowy CIA flights that have emerged in a small Upstate New York courthouse in a billing dispute between contractors. The court documents offer a rare glimpse of the costs and operations of the… ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Obviously Inspector Clouseau of the French Police must have been running the operation for the CIA. For amount paid for charter flights, we could have bought the jets and change the tail numbers after each trip.
I personally have no problem with the mission objective. The rendition program saved American lives, by producing valuable intelligence. I do question the CIA's ability to operate in secrecy.
Message to CIA headquarters: Spies operate in secrecy. Remember the previous statement and you will avoid making headlines.
I personally have no problem with the mission objective. The rendition program saved American lives, by producing valuable intelligence. I do question the CIA's ability to operate in secrecy.
Message to CIA headquarters: Spies operate in secrecy. Remember the previous statement and you will avoid making headlines.
They could have gotten the same result by putting the guy in Coach on Delta. 6 hours of that, and you'll sign anything.
Apparently the CIA needs to hire some bankers. If they had bankers on staff, they could have made the 12 million it would cost to simply buy a G-IV. Seriously, a 30 second search yielded this prime example:
One thing does really bother me though. I'm American-born and not a terrorist, but I'll probably never get to fly in anything that posh even if the government is paying the bill.
One thing does really bother me though. I'm American-born and not a terrorist, but I'll probably never get to fly in anything that posh even if the government is paying the bill.
Correction to the above:
"If they had bankers on staff, they could have made the 12 million it would cost to simply buy a G-IV disappear."
"If they had bankers on staff, they could have made the 12 million it would cost to simply buy a G-IV disappear."
Matt - good point, but who would the airplane be registered to? :)
Maybe the need for 'secrecy' demands the services of third party charter operations.
Maybe the need for 'secrecy' demands the services of third party charter operations.
Exactly, scrubber. the way to hide things is through layers and layers of different transactions that create a difficult trail to follow when they get mixed in with all the other transactions taking place by the same people at the same time. Pretty simple strategy actually. It's the same way the mob launders money - or so I hear :) .
No, for your super-secret CIA operation, call up some cheapskate broker from Long Island who will arrange the charter for you and subsequently not pay up, then let lawsuits go back and forth for nearly a decade without taking any of a million easy steps to make everybody happy and make this all go away quietly... nope. Can't make this stuff up.
From the Richmor Aviation site:
"We are Not Jet Charter Brokers.
Why hire a broker to charter a jet for you when you can arrange for luxury jet charters directly with a company that owns/manages the fleet of jets, maintains the aircraft, selects and hires the jet pilots, providing exceptional service with Charter Concierge."