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U.S. Southwest pilot removed from cockpit, booked for DUI

A Southwest Airlines pilot was removed from the cockpit ahead of a Wednesday January 15 flight 3772 from Savannah Georgia to Chicago Midway and was booked on a charge of driving under the influence, a source familiar with the incident told CBS News. Airport police in Savannah removed him before flight 3772 to Chicago's Midway Airport took off. (www.cbsnews.com) More...

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Obviously alcohol has effects that are not generally known. It turns off the brain's certain reasoning and intelligence powers and makes people do reeeally stupid things they would might otherwise not do if they were sober. Once the effects of the alcohol have worn off, the brain goes into "oops" mode. I'm sure his brain will thinking about what he did for a long time.
John D 6
While I do not know this pilot, addicts will risk everything to feed their addiction. Likely the case here. Perhaps this is the bottom for this person and they'll get into a program.
Addiction is a hell of a thing, I’m glad he was removed from the cockpit as this was obviously the right decision, and I just hope he’s able to get help for his alcohol addiction, I pray this is his rock bottom wake-up call. Being a pilot is such an incredible privilege in life, I hope he recognises what he will lose if he doesn’t get help.
sparkie624 3
The first step to recovery from Addiction is accepting that you have an addiction problem in the first place, if you cannot admit the problem within yourself, then you will never be able to fully recover!
John D 1
So, which position do you take, here you express empathy, and truth in facing addiction, but in another post you seem to have a “get the f out of here you lousy drunk!”
jmilleratp 3
Unfortunately, there are those pilots who have medical conditions that they have not disclosed to the FAA. And, you have pilots like this one who know they have addiction issues and they also see if they can get away with having them, until it's too late.
Derek Vaughn 2
Well I wouldn't say he was too bad since he made it to security.
the story does not say if he was fired,but im sure at least he was put on suspension pending investigation..sad for him because if the man is an alcoholic,he needs help..
sparkie624 1
I hope he loses his Pis Pilots License revoked permanently... We do not need pilots like this! No respect for a drunk!
Howard Koor 1
Oh My!!!!!!!!!!

[This poster has been suspended.]

Trent Koenig 11
Remember the United and Delta pilots detained in EDI for showing up to the airport intoxicated? JAL pilot detained at DFW for disorderly conduct? Equal but opposite? Southwest as well as every airline in the world deals with this issue.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Trent Koenig 6
Can you link the part where he flew the trip intoxicated? Last I checked, the news had no details outside name, age and accusations of the pilot.
Jim Myers 6
The 10th word in the 1st paragraph is "ahead," followed by "of a Wednesday flight." I'm not sure how anyone with critical thinking skills could interpret that as meaning that the pilot actually flew the flight.

[This poster has been suspended.]

Silent Bob 4
Please go back on your meds…
btweston 2
Wow, man.


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