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Delta plane lands with nose gear up at Charlotte NC airport
A Delta Air Lines flight landed with its “nose landing gear up” at Charlotte Douglas International Airport in North Carolina on Wednesday morning, the FAA says. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Scrape the Boeing nameplate and it still say McDonnell Douglas underneath.
Good job by the pilots, albeit a little scratched.
Good job by the pilots, albeit a little scratched.
May be a Boeing 717... But there is no real difference. Delta flew a lot of the 717's... Just a DC9/MD8* with some white wash... LOL
The airframe looks like it hardly got a scratch! MD built a great product in those.
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Just saw the video. Amazing work by the crew
I looked but couldn't find a video of the landing.
⚠️ Update: Runway 18R/36L is currently closed following a mechanical issue with Delta Air Lines. No injuries reported. Passengers returned to the terminal. The Airport is working to remove the aircraft and reopen the runway.