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Biden Administration Introduces Historic New Rules to Hold Airlines Accountable for Cancellations and Delays
This morning, President Biden and Transportation Secretary Buttigieg spoke on holding airlines accountable at all times throughout the year, regardless of weather delays, and technical issues. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
They've had these type of rules in Europe for 20 years - doesn't fix the overall problems of crews and controllers but certainly minimizes those times when they cancel just because and provides the passenger some alternatives. With the world's largest lowest cost carriers in Ryanair, EasyJet and Wizz the rules must not be too much of a burden.
saw this coming a year ago. The ridiculously low airfares encourage overbooking so that they can fill any "no-shows." Meanwhile, the airports are zoos, the airplanes are filled and smell like cattle cars, and a lot of people arrive to the airport and then don't get on. SOuthwest has management problems right now.
Yes Government can fix anything. What about ATC delays or excuses due to "staffing" issues (ATC 0)?
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That wasn't flightaware. That was Read. Then post.
Wait, was it corn pop or pop corn Biden had a bigger love for?
it's about time they are held to account for shoddy service, given all the federal subsides(i.e. our tax dollars) dolled out to the airlines.