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FAA Grants Historic Authorization for Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 Flight Tests
In a groundbreaking decision, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued its first-ever special flight authorization for the testing of a civil supersonic aircraft, the Boom XB-1. This milestone paves the way for Boom Supersonic to commence flight tests, marking a significant advancement in the development of faster-than-sound travel. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
A little comment from an old-timer. I worked on the Fairy Delta, the British Experimental delta wing of which only 2 were made. It held the world speed record for a short time flown by test pilot Peter Twiss. The American Sabre took back the record a few months later. I mention this in context because the Fairy Delta came up with the retractable snoop nose which eventually was used on the Concorde. I was around during the Comet era and one thing I do know, it's always harder than you think. David E. Huntley-Author "The B-17 Tomahawk Warrior: A WWII Final Honor."
Wasn't it Fairey Delta 2, the supersonic test aircraft? Somehow I don't think the mythical fairies need supersonic travel. :-) Great airplane, though.
BOOM is hardly a pioneer!
All that work was done by BAe and Aerospatial more than 60years ago!
All that work was done by BAe and Aerospatial more than 60years ago!
Some commenters, I think, are missing out on the fact that Boom claims their design will reduce the sonic boom to levels where they can fly supersonic over land, which to this day is still prohibited for all but military aircraft in special use airspace, which surely the tests will be conducted in anyway, so kind of a tempest in a teapot. The key will be whether they prove that's possible or not. Personally I've heard several sonic booms and if you've been through ONE thunderstorm, it's no different, so I never saw the big deal. Sure at low altitude, it's a problem, it can break windows, but at higher altitudes, I wouldn't care.
It is SAD that there will always be naysayers and pusilanimous beings that will not give credit where credit is due. What if Ferdinand and Isabella told Columbus he could not go because it was too dangerous and Spain was in an economic depression at the time?
Oopsie. Somebody is trying to sound erudite and educated. One is always better off either (a) using words whose true meanings are known or (b) looking words up in a real dictionary before including them in attributable commentary.
"Pusilanimous?" Mis-spelled AND mis-used. Check it out.
"Pusilanimous?" Mis-spelled AND mis-used. Check it out.
Okay, Okay so I missed a correct spelling. I don't see the MSM calling out certain Revs and political figures for their gaffes. At least I am not sitting in my parents house, rent-free, in my underwear, in front of the computer, with two degrees, and no job!
Ferdinand did tell Columbus he couldn't go; it was Isabella who hocked some of her jewelry to pay for the trip, because she was a devout Catholic and saw a lot of opportunity to win new souls for the church, in addition to whatever pelf might result.
Actually old Chris was just good in the sack and Isabella was rewarding him on a kid well done.
I saw the Bugs Bunny cartoon. It didn’t happen that way.