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A Delta Air Lines flight's unruly passenger shows how we apply frontier justice in the skies
There are few places on Earth that crowdsource law enforcement services from regular folks. Vigilantism is celebrated in films and video games, but it's criminalized in real life. If Batman were an actual person, he would be public enemy No. 1, not a hero with free access to the police commissioner's office. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
They need a D.B. Cooper door for these "humans"
Yes... without the D B Cooper Valve.. LOL!
Sparkie, I looked at the source of your original post. While you are free to post what you like,this one links to an OPINION column from a rather left wing zealot. Let's use opinion colums sparingly, lest we turn from Flightaware to Hot-politics-Aware
I think we're already far down that road. ;)
minus the parachute...
Vigilantism is illegal and a crime, because it is viewed as arming yourself with a lethal weapon or weapons, and carrying out an act of revenge, with a severe outcome for the wrongdoer, way out of proportion to the crime committed.
But a citizens arrest is legal in every country, and passengers stopping an out-of-control airline passenger from going beserk, and restraining them, is not vigilantism.
Maybe the article writer needs to refer to a good dictionary before they get carried away with hype?
But a citizens arrest is legal in every country, and passengers stopping an out-of-control airline passenger from going beserk, and restraining them, is not vigilantism.
Maybe the article writer needs to refer to a good dictionary before they get carried away with hype?