Florida set to rumble with over 30 'startling' sonic booms as NASA reveals plan to test supersonic flight at Kennedy Space Center

  • Tests will begin August 21, with flights from NASA's Kennedy Space Center
  • Local residents and beachgoers may hear distant 'rumble' or 'startling' boom 
  • The tests come as part of ongoing effort to reduce sonic boom to a 'thump' 

NASA’s dreams of supersonic flight have stepped closer to reality, as the space agency prepares to begin tests at its Kennedy Space Center in Florida next month.

But, for people who live in the surrounding area, this progress will come with a price – dozens of sonic booms, with as many as three per day for more than a week, ranging from the ‘rumble of thunder,’ to the ‘startling’ roar of a landing space shuttle.

The tests will investigate how low-altitude turbulence affects these booms, which are generated when a craft flies faster than the speed of light, in efforts to eventually bring the noise down to more of a ‘soft thump.’

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QueSST is designed to fly at Mach 1.4, 55,000 feet above the ground. Lockheed¿s plan is to build a craft 94 feet long with room for one pilot. It will fly as high as 55,000 feet, and run on one of the twin engines that power Boeing Co.¿s F/A-18 fighter jet.

NASA’s dreams of supersonic flight have stepped closer to reality, as the space agency prepares to begin tests at its Kennedy Space Center in Florida next month. But, for people who live in the surrounding area, this progress will come with a price – dozens of sonic booms


NASA will fly an Armstrong F-18 from Kennedy’s Shuttle Landing Facility to an altitude of 32,000 feet, off the coast of Cape Canaveral.

Then, it will fly along a designated path to exceed Mach 1 – the speed of sound.

This will create a massive sonic boom.

As this happens, a TG-14 motorized glider equipped with a wingtip microphone will also be in flight, at an altitude of roughly 4,000-10,000 feet.

This region is above the low-altitude turbulence layer, according to NASA.

When it comes time for the test, the TG-14 will temporarily shut down its motor and glide, to cut out unnecessary noise.

This way, the wingtip microphone can capture a ‘clean, accurate’ sonic boom signature before it hits turbulence.


According to NASA, the tests will begin Monday August 21, and are expected to carry on through the end of the month, concluding either at the end of August or in early September.

All in all, they plan to achieve at least 33 sonic booms.

The tests come as the second series of Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence flights (SonicBAT), following previous supersonic research in 2016 at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

While the earlier tests observed how atmospheric turbulence affected sonic booms in a dry climate, these new flights will gather data in the humid Florida air.

‘In SonicBAT, we’re trying to figure out how much atmospheric turbulence changes sonic booms,’ said Ed Haering, SonicBAT’s principal investigator at Armstrong.

‘Turbulence can make sonic booms quieter, or it can make them louder.

‘Last summer we tested in the hot, dry climate of Edwards Air Force Base. 

'We know that humidity can make sonic booms louder, so we need to test some place wetter, and Kennedy fits that bill.’

For the upcoming tests, NASA will fly an Armstrong F-18 from Kennedy’s Shuttle Landing Facility to an altitude of 32,000 feet, off the coast of Cape Canaveral.

Then, it will fly along a designated path to exceed Mach 1 – the speed of sound.

This will create a massive sonic boom.

¿Residents might hear a distant sound similar to a rumble of thunder,' Haering said. 'If the actual winds at the time of our tests are much different from predicted, they might hear a boom sound like those heard when the space shuttle landed'

‘Residents might hear a distant sound similar to a rumble of thunder,' Haering said. 'If the actual winds at the time of our tests are much different from predicted, they might hear a boom sound like those heard when the space shuttle landed'

As this happens, a TG-14 motorized glider equipped with a wingtip microphone will also be in flight, at an altitude of roughly 4,000-10,000 feet.

This region is above the low-altitude turbulence layer, according to NASA.

When it comes time for the test, the TG-14 will temporarily shut down its motor and glide, to cut out unnecessary noise.

This way, the wingtip microphone can capture a ‘clean, accurate’ sonic boom signature before it hits turbulence.

NASA, along with Wyle Laboratories and Gulfstream Aerospace, will collect data of sonic booms travelling through the turbulence using two microphone arrays on the ground at Kennedy.

For the upcoming tests, NASA will fly an Armstrong F-18 from Kennedy¿s Shuttle Landing Facility to an altitude of 32,000 feet, off the coast of Cape Canaveral

For the upcoming tests, NASA will fly an Armstrong F-18 from Kennedy’s Shuttle Landing Facility to an altitude of 32,000 feet, off the coast of Cape Canaveral

The tests at the Kennedy Space Center come as the second series of Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence flights (SonicBAT), following previous supersonic research in 2016 at Edwards Air Force Base in California

The tests at the Kennedy Space Center come as the second series of Sonic Booms in Atmospheric Turbulence flights (SonicBAT), following previous supersonic research in 2016 at Edwards Air Force Base in California


QueSST is designed to fly at Mach 1.4, 55,000 feet above the ground.

The aircraft is shaped to separate the shocks and expansions associated with supersonic flight to reduce the volume of the shaped signature, and was developed by Lockheed's Skunk Works over 20 years.

Recent research has shown it is possible for a supersonic airplane to be shaped in such a way that the shock waves it forms when flying faster than the speed of sound can generate a sound at ground level so quiet it will hardly will be noticed by the public, if at all.

NASA is hoping to achieve a boom 60 dBA lower than other supersonic aircraft, such as the Anglo-French Concorde, according to Aviation Week.


Each of these arrays will contain 16 microphones.

The scientists are hoping to collect data in three different conditions: low turbulence, medium turbulence, and significant turbulence.

According to NASA, these flights will take place two-to-three times a day from August 21.

The experts say they’re taking steps to minimize the disturbances these tests could create – but, people living nearby are still likely to become aware of the research one way or another.

‘At the altitudes we are flying, sonic booms from aircraft have never been dangerous to people, animals, or buildings, but they can be startling,’ said Haering.

‘We have carefully planned our flights so that there is little chance that people in larger communities such as Titusville to the west or Cocoa Beach to the south, will be disturbed.

‘Residents might hear a distant sound similar to a rumble of thunder. If the actual winds at the time of our tests are much different from predicted, they might hear a boom sound like those heard when the space shuttle landed.

‘That may be startling, but there is no reason to be alarmed.’

‘Because we are trying to minimize the impact to larger communities, beachgoers on beaches such as Playalinda will definitely hear booms like those of the shuttle,’ Harering says, ‘but again, there is no reason for concern.’

The tests will investigate how low-altitude turbulence affects these booms, which are generated when a craft flies faster than the speed of light, in efforts to eventually bring the noise down to more of a ¿soft thump¿

The tests will investigate how low-altitude turbulence affects these booms, which are generated when a craft flies faster than the speed of light, in efforts to eventually bring the noise down to more of a ‘soft thump’

The tests are part of an effort to bring sonic booms down to a much more tolerable ‘thump,’ which could pave the way for changes to the FAA regulations, and ultimately, commercial passenger flight.

As of now, FAA prohibits supersonic flight over land due to the disruptive noise they make.

‘Supersonic flight offers the potential to improve the quality of life of those that fly, by greatly reducing travel time,’ said Peter Coen, NASA’s Commercial Supersonic Technology project manager.

‘In the nearer term, NASA’s development of quiet supersonic flight technology needs support, interest, and engagement from the community to ensure that the potential sound is acceptable to those on the ground.’

NASA is now set to begin accepting proposals to build a radical low noise supersonic passenger plane.


Concorde was a turbojet-powered supersonic passenger jet that was operated until 2003. 

It had a maximum speed over twice the speed of sound at Mach 2.04 (1,354 mph or 2,180 k per hour at cruise altitude) and could seat 92 to 128 passengers.

Twenty aircraft were built including six prototypes and development aircraft.

Twenty aircraft were built including six prototypes and development aircraft

It was first flown in 1969, but needed further tests to establish it as viable as a commercial aircraft.

Concorde entered service in 1976 and continued flying for the next 27 years.

It is one of only two supersonic transports to have been operated commercially. 

The other is the Soviet-built Tupolev Tu-144, which ran for a much shorter period of time before it was grounded and retired due to safety and budget issues.

Concorde was jointly developed and manufactured by Aérospatiale and the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) under an Anglo-French treaty. Concorde's name, meaning harmony or union, reflects the cooperation on the project between the United Kingdom and France. 

In the UK, any or all of the type are known simply as 'Concorde', without an article. 

Twenty aircraft were built including six prototypes and development aircraft.

Air France (AF) and British Airways (BA) each received seven aircraft. The research and development failed to make a profit and the two airlines bought the aircraft at a huge discount.

Concorde was retired in 2003 due to a general downturn in the commercial aviation industry after the type's only crash in 2000, the September 11 attacks in 2001, and a decision by Airbus, the successor to Aérospatiale and BAC, to discontinue maintenance support.


The space agency says it is ready to begin taking bids in August for construction of a demonstration plane in a project worth $390 million over five years, according to Bloomberg

The radical new craft could cut the six-hour flight time from New York to Los Angeles in half - and reduce the sonic boom so it can fly over populated areas.

The first year of funding is included in President Trump's 2018 budget proposal. 

Earlier this year, in what was said to be a 'significant milestone' for supersonic passenger flight, NASA completed the preliminary design review of its low-boom X-plane.

The Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST) design aims to reduce the sonic boom that occurs as these aircraft move faster than the speed of sound, with hopes to bring it down to a soft 'thump' to allow for flights over land.

Experts from NASA and Lockheed Martin now say the QueSST design could meet these requirements, and say flight tests could begin as early as 2021. 

NASA is backing plans to return to supersonic flight, with its Quiet Supersonic Transport (QueSST) low-boom flight demonstrator aims to produce a much lower 'boom' than other supersonic aircraft, and NASA is hoping to see the first flight tests take place in 2021

The design will be finalized over the next few months, and will undergo a static inlet performance test and low-speed wind tunnel test

NASA plans to release the full request for proposals in August, following the recent draft request. 

Lockheed Martin partnered with NASA as lead contractor in February 2016.

Its scale model for the Low Boom Flight Demonstration (LBFD) experimental plane was put through the 8-by 6-foot supersonic wind tunnel at NASA's Glenn Research Center last month, and the space agency has now completed the preliminary design review.

The design will be finalized over the next few months, and will undergo a static inlet performance test and low-speed wind tunnel test.

NASA now plans to solicit proposals and award a contract to build the first piloted, single-engine craft.

'Managing a project like this is all about moving from one milestone to the next,' said David Richwine, manager for the preliminary design effort under NASA's Commercial Supersonic Technology Project.

'Our strong partnership with Lockheed Martin helped get us to this point. 

'We're now one step closer to building an actual X-plane.'

While Lockheed Martin has been working on the preliminary design, with hopes to move on to build the demonstrator, NASA has opened the door for other companies to submit their own designs as well, according to Aviation Week

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